ShareWare and FreeWare programs for domain administrators and Windows users


Tested on:

Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

Windows XP SP2 32 bit

Page updated April 2015

These warnings are only shown automatically to you once, so please read them slowly and properly   ;O)


Warning #1:

The CTRL+ALT+D shortcut doesn't work before you save the default New1.vbs file in the PsPad Editor

Warning #2:

The following CTRL shortcuts works very SLOW, if you don't have access to your CapaServers CMPTEST unc path

Warning #3: 

Don't change or save the PsPadCapaLib.vbs file if it opens automatically.


Warning #4: Please read this carefully, because it's extremely critical:

The menu and CTRL+ shortcuts ONLY works if YOU are member of the local administrator group on your remote TEST computer, and have permissions to gain access to drive C: using the remote computers UNC path, like e.g. \\ <ComputerName> \C$

;o) Your brain is also like a parachute. It works best when it's open

       A l l  t h e  f a l l i n g  M a t r i x  l e t t e r s  e n d s  d o w n  h e r e,  s o
       Z i o n s  r o b o t  w e b  c r a w l e r s  e a t s  t h e  k e y w o r d s    ;O)
